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Upcoming 2024-'25 General Meetings


​October General Meeting
“Audubon Sanctuary Certification”
October 16, 2024

Kenilworth Club
410 Kenilworth Avenue, Kenilworth
9:00 A.M. Coffee
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Please join Valerie Foradas, current GGW member, as she guides us through the Audubon Sanctuary Certification process for the Winnetka Golf Course. The Winnetka Golf Course was recently renovated as part of the storm water project. The Audubon certification program helps golf courses protect our environment while preserving the natural heritage by helping people enhance the valuable natural areas and wildlife habitats that golf courses provide, improve efficiency, and minimize potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations. The program serves an important environmental role worldwide.

November General Meeting
“Tomato Bliss”
November 20, 2024

Home of Raheela Gill Anwar
1195 Tower Road, Winnetka
9:00 A.M. Coffee
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Monica Hypes, founder of Tomato Bliss, is revolutionizing the American tomato industry with a rainbow medley of delicious heirloom tomatoes. Her ultra-modern approach forges a path to a more nutritious and sustainable food system. Thanks to permaculture and biodiverse farming practices, she’s been able to transform degraded fields into a thriving ecosystem of diverse flora and fauna offering a new supply chain of regeneratively grown heirloom tomatoes. Come be inspired while learning more about heirloom tomatoes.

December General Meeting
“Holiday Celebration and Tea”
December 11, 2024

Glen View Club 
100 Golf Road, Golf
1:00 - 3:00 P.M.

Join your Garden Guild friends as we celebrate the holiday season at our festive annual Holiday Tea.

January General Meeting
“Flower Show Prep”
January 15, 2025

Winnetka Park District Community Room
540 Hibbard Road, Winnetka
9:00 A.M. Coffee
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Get ready to enter our Club Flower Show this May. Our very own Club ‘experts’ will teach us all we need to know about entering, selecting conditioning, grooming, and preparing our exhibit. Examples of floral, horticultural and photography will be shared.

February General Meeting
“How To Become A Collector” 
February 19, 2025

Home of Maggie Meiners
480 Willow Road, Winnetka
9:00 A.M. Coffee
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Are you interested in growing your art collection? Please join Maggie Meiners as she shares with us what she buys and why. Maggie is not only the daughter of our very own Debbie Ross, she also is an interdisciplinary artist and photographer whose work revolves around identity, consumerism, media and popular culture. Her art has been widely exhibited, remains in permanent and private collections, and symbolizes the varied complexities that make us human

March General Meeting
“Ray Rogers, Grow A Better House Plant”
March 19, 2025

Home of Diane Melio
155 Chestnut Street, Winnetka
9:00 A.M. Coffee
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Ray Rogers, member of Town and Country Garden Club and a GCA approved horticulture judge, will share his practical knowledge for growing houseplants. Ray is a retired professional horticulture teacher who has exhibited his award-winning specimens at many of America’s most prestigious flower shows, including the Philadelphia Flower Show, where he is a regular judge. Using live examples, he will demonstrate growing, watering, propagating and transplanting techniques for both beginning and more advanced gardeners interested in maintaining their plants’ healthy appearance at home. He will also share tips for growing them as competitive show potential. His engaging program will include a valuable informative handout.

April General Meeting
April 16, 2025

928 Green Bay Road, Winnetka
9:30 A.M. Meeting

Join us for instruction and inspiration as Kate Higgins shares her tricks and techniques for floral arranging. Her path to floral design was heavily influenced at a young age by her family’s vegetable and flower gardens. She recently opened Wellyhaus which carries a collection of glazed ceramics as well as other treasures she has found during her travels throughout Europe.

Club Flower Show
En Vogue! Where Color & Texture Meet
May 13 - 15, 2025

Christ Church
784 Sheridan Road, Winnetka

Garden Guild of Winnetka is hosting a Club Flower Show. Complete details and show schedule to follow. All Club members are welcome and encouraged to participate!
Set up and Passing – May 13
Judging and Preview Party – May 14
Open for viewing and Tear Down – May 15

Annual Meeting
“A Cocktail Celebration”
June 18, 2025

Home of Jennie Soudan
120 Glenwood Avenue, Winnetka
5:30 – 7:30 P.M.

Join us for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and awards as we wrap-up our 2024-2025 Club year. We will welcome our new members, introduce our new Officers and Committee Chairs, and toast the Club’s accomplishments. 

To add an event to your personal calendar, please click on an event, then click "Add To Calendar". If trying to add the events into your phone's calendar, please access this page from your mobile phone.


Officers and Committee Chairs are encouraged to attend all Board meetings.  All GGW members are welcome to attend as well. Meetings are virtual events, held via Zoom, 9:30 to 11:00 A.M.


Zoom Link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 847 312 1111
Passcode: W60093


September 18, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 13, 2024
No December meeting
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 7, 2025
June 11, 2025

2024-2025 Calendar of Events

Past Meetings 

September 25, 2024
“The Gardens @ 900 Tour” Craig Bergmann Landscape Design

A private walking tour of Craig Bergmann’s spectacular grounds known as ‘The Gardens @ 900’ with a designer’s-eye guide through the space to learn about the careful renovation of this historic estate. The reimagined, versatile landscape helps the property serve as a residence and a creative learning space for the firm’s design and garden staff.

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