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Garden Guild of Winnetka studies garden design and documents significant local gardens for inclusion in the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Gardens.


The Smithsonian’s Archives of American Gardens collects, preserves, and provides access to resources that document the history of gardens in America. The Archives includes photographic and written documentation on over 10,000 historic and contemporary gardens. The collections document the work of landscape architects, garden designers, and garden photographers as well as a handful of seed companies. Photographic formats and processes represented in the collections include stereographs, lantern slides, autochromes, glass plate negatives, 35mm slides, and digital images.


History of Our Gifts to the Village


Award-winning Butterfly Garden documented in

Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Gardens

Gardens Documented for the Archives of

American Gardens  (click to view a listing and photo of each)

by the Garden Guild of Winnetka

The latest edition of GCA's Garden History and Design One Minute Report, “Dovecoates”,  prepared for the GHD Committee by the Smithsonian

(click here to view)

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